The Court of Appeal has today issued its decision in the case of Asda Stores Ltd –v- Brierley.

Shop floor workers at Asda are claiming that their work was of equal value to their colleagues at warehouses and distribution centres. As those working in warehouses and distribution centres are likely to be paid at a higher hourly rate, the shop floor workers argue that they are being underpaid.

The Court of Appeal held that shop floor workers are able to compare their roles to those working in warehouses and distribution centres. Today’s decision has therefore opened the door to not only Asda employees but employees of any other supermarket to make an Equal Pay claim against their employer.

Our highly experienced Equal Pay team ( have recovered millions of pounds in compensation for local authority workers in the last five years following successful Equal Pay claims on their behalf. We would be delighted to assist supermarket workers with Equal Pay claims on their behalf. All claims will be dealt with on a No-Win, No-Fee basis.

If you wish to discuss making a claim please contact our Equal Pay team on or via our Equal Pay Facebook page ( ).

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