Once you’ve established that you have been injured in an accident or at work, the next step is to work out what you are claiming for.
Personal Injury Claims
If you have been injured and someone else was to blame, then you may be entitled to seek compensation from them; damages. You can seek financial compensation in respect of some of the consequences of your injury.
You can claim damages for:
- Pain and suffering caused by the injury. This can be physical pain or mental distress.
- Loss of ‘amenity’; the ability to participate in hobbies and normal daily activities.
Damages for the above are calculated using something called the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines for Personal Injury. These guidelines lay down appropriate compensation based on the type of injury (e.g. the body part which is injured) and the severity of the injury.
In addition, you may be able to claim for:
- Medical costs; the cost of care (including care provide by your loved ones) and treatment
- Damage to your property
- Loss of earnings if you are unable to work as a result of your injury.
- The cost of adapting your property to cater for the injury or resulting disability.
- Any other expenses which arise as a result of your injury: transport costs, insurance excess etc.
- Future earnings; e.g. if you are unable to continue in your chosen line of work.
Contact our expert personal injury solicitors today
Our leading Scottish Personal Injury Solicitors can advise you on valuing and pursuing all aspects of your claim. We offer a no-win, no-fee service. Contact us on 01413336750